We were pleased to host a visit from Mr. Ethan Rinks, Program Manager for East Asia & the Pacific, Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA), U.S. Department of State, to NPA/RENEW clearance program on Thursday, 16 May 2024. Mr. Nguyen Tien Truong, Political Specialist from the U.S. Embassy in Vietnam, accompanied Mr. Rinks.

The delegation visited NPA/RENEW clearance teams working in Tan Mach Village, Vinh Thai Commune, Vinh Linh District. Since January 2024, the four teams have cleared more than 770,000 square meters of a confirmed hazardous area exceeding one million square meters. The teams’ efforts have located and safely destroyed 83 cluster munitions and 108 other explosives. The clearance operations at site will be completed by mid-June, providing safe land for over 1,200 villagers, including 377 women, 368 men, 271 girls, and 277 boys.

The PM/WRA delegation later visited the base office of NPA/RENEW in Ho Xa Townlet. The facility provides administration and management support to our clearance operations in Vinh Linh, the northernmost district of Quang Tri Province. On behalf of the NPA/RENEW clearance program, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang, Provincial Program Manager, briefed the delegation on the results of our U.S.-funded clearance operations and work plan in the coming time.
We express gratitude to the United States and Norway governments for their ongoing support of our explosive ordnance clearance work in Quang Tri Province. This collaboration helps make the province safer for its residents.