Home > News > Safe Disposal Of A 750-Pound Bomb Found By Metal Collectors

Trieu Phong, Quang Tri (04 May 2017) – A U.S.-made air-dropped 750-pound bomb was safely destroyed today by RENEW-NPA teams at the disposal site in Linh An Village of Trieu Trach Commune. Despite working on an extraordinarily hot day – outside temperature reached 100 degrees Fahrenheit – our team members accomplished this weighty task with professionalism and great efforts. ‘

The bomb was identified one of the M177 series, a free-fall, unguided  general purpose bomb, which were dropped here by the U.S. military forces during the war.

According to Tuoi Tre Newspaper,  six men were arrested by police of Vinh Linh District on Tuesday when they were trying to transport the bomb for sale. One of the men confessed that they found the bomb on a rubber plantation in Vinh Ha Commune, adjacent to the former demarcation line between 1954-1975.

Upon request from the provincial military headquarters, RENEW-NPA dispatched teams with leadership of National Technical Officer Bui Trong Hong, a retired PAVN colonel to defuse the bomb and transported to the disposal site in Trieu Phong District for destruction.

Meanwhile, another two teams had been filling in 1,000 sandbags and building a demolition pit for the detonations since seven o’clock. Around 10:30, after a safety cordon was established, the bomb was detonated. The explosion shook the entire area and created a crater of 10 meter wide.

Scrap metal collecting, including tampering with explosive ordnance and selling it for extra income, is one of the major causes to post-war deaths and injuries in Quang Tri Province. Statistics of Project RENEW shows that one third of the casualties are related to this dangerous occupation. Fortunately, this has been on the decline in recent year.

The reckless action of the six men, due to economic pressure, could have resulted in immense destruction. They’re lucky the police intervened.

Project RENEW – Norwegian People’s Aid’s survey and clearance program is funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement.
