Home > News > Persons with Disabilities Received Support from RENEW to Secure Their Livelihood

In the countryside of Quang Tri Province, persons with disabilities face physical, social, and economic barriers to participation, which may lead to poverty and hunger.

Project RENEW since 2016 has provided support to persons with disabilities and other families with disabled persons to participate in economic development through husbandry of breeding cows, thanks to the major funding of Irish Aid and support from Friends of Project RENEW. Livelihood support not only creates opportunities for persons with disabilities to participate in work to generate income to feed themselves, but also helps them find joy in life, assert their dignity, and integrate into the community.

Project RENEW was established in 2001 as a joint effort between the government of Quang Tri Province and interested INGOs to “restore the environment and neutralize the effects of the war”.
