Cache of Hundreds of Wartime Munitions Discovered on Clearance Site in Gio Linh
Clearance teams managed by Norwegian People’s Aid/Project RENEW on Wednesday discovered more than 200 pieces of unexploded ordnance while clearing a contaminated area in Ha Loi Trung Village of Trung Giang Commune.

Thông báo mời tham gia khảo sát và báo giá
Thực hiện việc hỗ trợ Hội Người mù thành phố Đông Hà về việc xây dựng nhà bếp giúp hội viên có điều kiện sinh hoạt sản xuất thuận lợi hơn, Chương trình Hỗ trợ nạn nhân/Người khuyết tật...

RENEW Fundraisers in Virginia and DC
Dong Ha, Quang Tri (13 June 2023) — Hien Xuan Ngo, RENEW’s Communications & Development Manager will fly to America this week to join Ron Carver, Waging Peace in Vietnam exhibit curator, Lilo Gonzalez, the singer/songwriter, and Ron Haeberle,...

U.S. Department of State’s Working Delegation Visit Female Demining Teams
On May 19, 2023, a working delegation from the Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement in the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM/WRA) led by East Asia and Pacific Branch Chief Katherine Baker visited all-women teams...

Quảng Trị: Yearning for Peace
Only can sincere affection and empathy from the bottom of the heart push those old painful reverberations completely into the void.

Cluster Munition Remnants Survey Completed in All Accessible Areas of Quang Tri Province
16 April 2023 marked an important milestone for NPA/RENEW in completing the cluster munition remnants survey in all accessible areas in Quang Tri Province. Last week NPA/RENEW teams covered Co Thanh Village of Tan Thanh Commune, Huong Hoa District...

NPA/RENEW Representative Speaks at UN Mine Action Symposium
New York City, USA (April 4, 2023) — At the United Nations Headquarters on Tuesday afternoon (3:00 pm – 05:45 m EST), Ms. Nguyen Thi Dieu Linh, NPA Vietnam Provincial Program Manager at Project RENEW in Quang Tri Province...

RENEW Receives Mobile Clinic Donated By Government of Ireland
Gio Linh, Quang Tri (14 March 2023) — During the greening ceremony held at the special national historical relic of Hien Luong – Ben Hai on Tuesday evening, Irish Ambassador to Vietnam John McCullagh delivered a symbolic key to...

American Veterans and Songwriter Interact with Children in Dong Ha
Dong Ha, Quang Tri Province (7 March 2023) – Many young boys and girls of different ages, the chilren of Project RENEW/NPA staff members and others in Dong Ha who are passionate about music and history, had a lot...

Nearly 300 Explosive Munitions Found During One Day On Gio Linh Clearance Site
Gio Linh, Quang Tri (13 February 2023) — NPA/RENEW clearance teams on Monday found a cache of 299 items of unexploded explosive ordnance (EO) while working in An My Village of Gio My Commune, Gio Linh District, Quang Tri...