RENEW/NPA Starts to Clean up Contaminated Land in the Northern Side of the Former DMZ
Vinh Linh, Quang Tri (18 June 2020) — Battle Area Clearance (BAC) teams managed by Project RENEW and Norwegian People’s Aid (RENEW/NPA) today found and unearthed a cache of unexploded ordnance while clearing a contaminated area in Thái Lai...

RENEW/NPA Completes Non-Technical Survey in All Accessible Areas of Quang Tri Province
RENEW/NPA have completed the Non-Technical Survey in in all of the accessible areas where RENEW/NPA was allowed to survey in Quang Tri Province.

Fight off Corona, Keep away from UXO: New Message of RENEW’s Mine Risk Education in the Post-COVID-19
Over 900 students and teachers of Gio Linh Townlet Primary School were delighted to receive a wash basin with sanitizers for prevention of the COVID-19 from Project RENEW and partner Gio Linh District Youth Union in a handover ceremony...

RENEW Holds Workshop to Implement Dissemination of the Law on Persons with Disabilities to Communities and Support Activities in the Post-COVID-19
Project RENEW today in collaboration with the Quang Tri Provincial Association for Disabled Persons, Agent Orange Victims, Disability Support and Protection of the Children’s Rights (the Association) organized a workshop to implement the dissemination of the Law on Persons...

RENEW’s Mission Continues: Overcoming the Threat of UXO in the Shadow of COVID-19
An update of the situation over the past four months related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the key results of Project RENEW’s humanitarian work in Quang Tri Province in 2019.

A Poem of Peace of April 30: Chuck Searcy – an Acquaintance on the Road
Tien Phong journalist Duong Phuong Vinh writes about Vietnam veteran Chuck Searcy who has lived and worked in Vietnam for 25 years.

Detonating Cluster Munitions On Paddy Fields: RENEW/NPA Teams Resume Important Work After Stand-down Due to COVID-19
RENEW/NPA resumed important survey and clearance work on Monday, 20 April, after a two-week stand-down due to the COVID-19.

Cluster Munition Remnant Survey in Southeast Asia
Cluster Munitions Remnants Survey: Best Practice in South East Asia is the result of many years of close cooperation between MAG, NPA, and HALO on survey and clearance of cluster munition remnants (CMR) in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.

RENEW/NPA Stand With Quang Tri Authorities In The Fight Against COVID-19
RENEW/NPA handed over contributions to Quang Tri Province to support their preparedness for prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic.

Mine Awareness Day 2020
Today, on Mine Awareness Day, we stand with communities and colleagues working to achieve a Landmine Free 2025. Together, we can end the threat caused by landmines across the world, and play our part in reducing the threat of...