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Want to get involved in the mine action movement?

You don’t have to live in a mine affected region to become actively involved in humanitarian mine action. Here’s some way you can be part of the movement!

Get informed:
Information regarding humanitarian mine action is at the tip of your fingers! Visit the center to learn about humanitarian mine action in Quang Tri, sign up for the Project RENEW e-newsletter, or follow us on Facebook.

Join a local campaign:
Individuals and organizations worldwide have reached out to support humanitarian mine action around the globe. Seek out the mine advocacy organization in your region and become involved in their activities! Can’t find one? Why not start your own initiative supporting the global mine action movement!

Get the word out:
Make it known that you support humanitarian mine action activities! Write to your local newspaper, contact your local radio station, and connect with your local government representatives and express your concern regarding the use of indiscriminate weapons.

Organize a public event:
Raise awareness in your community about the devastating impacts unexploded ordnance has by organizing an art exhibition, hosting a landmine and cluster munitions awareness day, or holding a public demonstration… The options are endless!

Make a donation:
Make a contribution to Project RENEW!
